0517 - UFT2 Transportation Equity Fundamentals Certification
Course Description
The Transportation Equity Fundamentals certification consists of the following two courses:
- Transportation Equity Fundamentals I (12 Hours)
- Transportation Equity Fundamentals II (12 Hours)
The UFTI Transportation Equity Certification Program is designed to equip practitioners and policymakers with a deep understanding of transportation equity, empowering them to incorporate equity principles into their daily work. The curriculum is divided into two comprehensive courses. Here is a high-level list of subject areas being discussed during the program:
• Leveraging AI for Enhanced Transportation Equity and AI Ethics
• Understanding Various Types of Equity and their Transportation Implications
• Incorporating Health and Social Equity into Transportation Planning and Engineering Design
• Mitigating Potential Adverse Impacts of Transportation Projects on Equity
• Developing Effective and Inclusive Community Outreach Programs for Transportation Projects
• Exploring the Principles of Accessibility-Based Transportation Planning
• Utilizing Evaluation Tools and Performance Indicators for Measuring Progress Toward Equity Goals
• Navigating the Benefits and Challenges of AI-Powered Transportation Systems
- Transportation Equity Fundamentals II: Universal Accessibility
Mehri M. Mohebbi (University of Florida, FL)
Anna Zivarts (Disability Rights Washington, WA)
- Transportation Equity Fundamentals I: Collaborative Healing
Mehri M. Mohebbi (University of Florida, FL)
Dr. Nader Afzalan (UC Berkeley & The Triangle)
The Transportation Equity Fundamentals Certification is ideal for transportation professionals, policymakers, engineers, planners, project managers, and public officials who develop, implement, and maintain initiatives of equity in transportation as well as those whose scholarly work may intersect mobility and access in different scales and contexts.
If enrolling on behalf of someone else, kindly send an email to t2training@ce.ufl.edu with the student(s) name, DOB, email, address, phone number, and preferred course date. You can also reach us at (352) 273-1670.
Transportation Equity Fundamentals Certification
24.0 PDH
For more information, visit the Transportation Equity certification page: UFTI Transportation Equity Fundamentals Certification Program – Transportation Technology Transfer (T2) Center (ufl.edu).
Program Director: Dr. Mehri Mohebbi (mmohebbi@ufl.edu)
Program Coordinator: Jasper Masciocchi (j.masciocchi@ufl.edu)