
Course Description

  • CEUs: 0.8
  • FBPR Licensed Asbestos Consultant or Contractor: #0000995; Course #0006386
  • FBPR CILB (Construction): #0000995; Course #0612632
  • AL Safe State: Approved Training Course for AL Safe State
  • FBPE Provider #: 0004021 8 CEH
  • TREEO FDEP OCP 04251014: CEUs: .8 DS DW WW

Course coordinator: Melissa Hamilton melissajhamilton@treeo.ufl.edu 
Phone: (352) 392-9570 or 352-294-3879

This course provides you with a regulatory review and update on new asbestos legislation pertinent to Asbestos Contractors/Supervisors. Topics covered include:

  • Updates on new asbestos legislation pertinent to Asbestos Contractors/Supervisors
  • Air sampling & health concerns
  • Analytical methods
  • Legal issues & liability
  • Work practices & safety

Learner Outcomes

Students enrolled in this course benefit from instructors who have extensive on the job experience and examples of real life work scenarios. Interactive lesson reviews allow the opportunity to actively engage in your learning experience.

The cost of this course includes materials and a 25 question end of course exam. Successful completion of this exam is required. The final exam must be completed within 30 days of enrollment.  Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Reaccreditation as an Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor.*

*The State of Florida requires Asbestos Contractor/Supervisors work under the direction of a Florida Licensed Asbestos Contractor.


U.S. EPA requires documentation of current AHERA Certificates of Accreditation and Certificates of Reaccreditation; and Florida BPR: Asbestos Licensing Unit has approved only certain training providers from which you can receive credit to renew your Florida license.

To be reaccredited, you must provide proof of having successfully completed the initial EPA-approved training course in accordance with Florida BPR: Asbestos Licensing Unit and any annual refresher courses in the discipline in which you seek reaccreditation. If your initial and refresher course certificates were issued through another training provider, you must submit copies with your registration.

  • EP0004 - Asbestos CS Refresher
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Asbestos Refresher: Contractor/Supervisor Online
Start Now, you have 30 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Asb Ref CS Online CC Only 260052 non-credit $295.00
Drop Request Deadline
Transfer Request Deadline
Section Notes
You will have 30 days from the date of enrollment to complete your course.
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