0048 - Unidirectional Flushing Workshop
Course Description
- CEUs: 0.8
- TREEO FDEP OCP 04251027: CEUs 0.8 DS DW
- FBPE Provider #: 0004021 8 CEHs
- Time Gainesville class: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Course coordinator: Areiole Williams areiole.williams@treeo.ufl.edu
Phone: (352) 392-9570 or 352-294-3877
Periodic flushing of the water distribution system is one of the best methods a utility can use to ensure that the system is operating at peak efficiency and water supplied to customers is plentiful and good quality. Unidirectional flushing uses the closing of valves to direct the water to hydrants at sufficient velocity to remove the sediment, debris, and biofilms that can build up in the pipes over time. This technique identifies problems such as closed valves and poor hydraulic capacity, that when corrected, greatly improves water quality and delivery. This 1 day course helps students to create and implement ae efficient and successful flushing program at their plant.
Learner Outcomes
Subjects covered include:
- Basic distribution system hydraulics
- Flushing program objectives
- Tool and equipment requirements
- Valve and hydrant operation
- Flushing program design data collections
The students will practice what they learn by working together in small groups to design a unidirectional flushing plan for a small distribution system.
Who should attend the course?
This class is for operator, maintenance personnel, supervisors and engineers of water and wastewater systems and regulators.
"I have been in construction for over 25 years and your workshop was by far one of the best!"
"The class was a good mix of book material and hands on."
"I liked most the development of the flush plan."
"I liked learning the procedure and steps of flushing a hydrant and how to improve our city flushing program."
"Instructor was great!
"I liked learning how to design a flush, so we won't have to engage a consultant."
"Great level of detail. Provided insight that I can take back to work and use."