777780 - Leachate and Landfill Gas Management System Design
Course Description
- CEUs: 1.6
- FBPE Provider #: 0004021 16 CEHs
- Solid Waste Landfills I III/C&D: 16
- Time of class: Day One 8:00am - 5:00pm, Day Two 8:00am - 3:00pm
Course coordinator: Lauren McCain lmccain@treeo.ufl.edu
Phone: (352) 392-9570 or 352-294-3876
This two-day course focuses on the regulatory, analytical, design, and construction-related aspects of the two major by-products of modern landfills, namely landfill leachate and gas. Eight hours are devoted to each of these important topics. The presentations for each topic are organized similarly in that the important regulatory issues are first identified, followed by the introduction of analytical techniques for estimating and controlling leachate and landfill gas generation quantities. These background discussions form the necessary background to the hands-on engineering analyses and design presentations that follow. Relevant design steps and design equations will be presented and demonstrated and incorporated into a design example project. Following the presentations related to design, important construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring topics will be presented. Each section will end with a presentation related to treatment technologies and potential beneficial reuse/recovery systems.
The course is intended to benefit a broad range of individuals ranging from personnel focusing on regulatory aspects, detailed system design, or system construction/operations. While specific details related to analytical models and system design will be introduced, the course focuses on the broad integration of fundamentals, practice, and performance of the leachate and gas management systems that are central to modern landfills.
Robert Bachus, Ph.D., PE
Robert Bachus principal of Geosyntec Consultants, holds a doctorate degree in geotechnical engineering from Stanford University. Dr. Bachus has been project manager for many projects requiring specialty geotechnical analysis and geotechnical testing. He has over 26 years experience in geotechnical engineering and is a nationally recognized expert in areas of landfill design, in situ testing, laboratory testing, and soil stabilization.