
Course Description

  • CEUs: 2.2
  • FBPE Provider #: 0004021 22 CEHs
  • Solid Waste Landfills I III/C&D: 16
  • Time of class: Day 1 & 2 8am - 5:00, Day 3 8am - 3:00pm

Course coordinator: Lauren McCain lmccain@treeo.ufl.edu
Phone: (352) 392-9570 or 352-294-3876

This three-day course provides a comprehensive presentation of slope stability and settlement analysis methods as applied to solid waste disposal facilities. The course covers the performance of natural foundation materials, solid waste liner systems, and solid waste cover systems. The first two days focus on topics related to slope stability, while the third day addresses issues related to settlement.

The course starts by presenting fundamentals of geotechnical and solid waste engineering, with particular emphasis placed on topics that most influence slope stability and settlement (i.e., strength, compressibility, effective stress, site characterization, etc.) With regards to the primary topic of slope stability and settlement, the objective of the course is for the participant to understand the basics of slope stability and settlement as applied to solid waste disposal facilities, to perform the requisite analysis, and to effectively interpret and review the analyses performed by others.

There are several opportunities for the participants to perform calculations and to track the calculations through the design/analysis of a solid waste disposal facility. Demonstration of computer programs that are used to facilitate these analyses will be included, as well as precautions regarding the use and interpretation of computer calculations. The course will be interactive and will provide the participants with hands-on opportunities related to these timely subjects.

Course Objective

At the completion of the training, the student should be able to discuss the performance of natural foundation materials, solid waste liner systems, and solid waste cover systems as they relate to slope stability and settlement. 

Prerequisite: College level math and science  

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Fundamentals of Slope Stability
Online, fixed date
T, W, Th
8:00AM to 5:00PM
Mar 18, 2025 to Mar 20, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $795.00
Drop Request Deadline
Mar 13, 2025
Transfer Request Deadline
Mar 13, 2025
Section Notes

This session will be held virtually. Students will receive their course link the day prior to the course. If you have any questions, please contact train@treeo.ufl.edu for assistance.

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