
Course Description

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APhA’s Pharmacy-Based Immunization Delivery certificate training program (14th Edition) is based on national educational standards for immunization training from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This practice-based curriculum represents a fusion of science and clinical pharmacy. The program, which emphasizes a health care team approach, seeks to foster the implementation of interventions that will promote disease prevention and public health.

The purpose of this certificate training program is to prepare pharmacists with comprehensive knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to provide immunization services to patients across the life span. For more information, visit the APhA Pharmcy-Based Immunization website.

This program meets the requirements outlined by Section 465.189, Florida Statute for pharmacists who wish to obtain an Immunization Administration Certification in the State of Florida.

Program Details

Intended Audience: Pharmacists in all practice settings.

Universal Activity Number: 

  • 0202-0000-23-154-H06-P (12.0 hour home study)
  • 0202-0000-23-155-L06-P / 0202-9999-23-155-L06-P (8.0 hour live session)

Contact Hours: 20.0 hours of ACPE approved continuing education for pharmacists

Program Fees: $515.00

UAN Release Date: 03/31/2023

UAN Expiration Date: 03/31/2026

Activity Type: Practice-based

Program Support: No outside financial support was provided.

Format Type: This course contains a self-paced, fully online home study portion as well as a virtual live session portion. Learners will choose their live session date within the APhA LMS upon enrollment.

Time to Complete: All coursework must be completed within 30 days from the date of the live session. Learners who do not complete their course materials by this deadline may be required to reenroll in the program at full cost.


Educate pharmacists about:

  • The impact of vaccines on public health.
  • Pharmacists’ roles in immunization.
  • Immunologic principles of vaccine development and immunizations.
  • Vaccine-preventable diseases and the vaccines used to prevent them.
  • Strategies for improving immunization rates.
  • Requirements for pharmacists who provide immunization services.

Prepare pharmacists to:

  • Read an immunization schedule and identify appropriate vaccines for individuals across the life span and with special needs.
  • Educate patients about the benefits of vaccines and dispel myths about vaccines.
  • Safely administer vaccines to patients via subcutaneous, intramuscular, intranasal, and intradermal routes.
  • Operate an immunization service in compliance with legal and regulatory standards.
  • Partner with immunization stakeholders to promote immunizations and the immunization neighborhood.

Direct Pharmacists to resources necessary to:

  • Promote public health through immunizations.
  • Access regularly updated information about vaccines and their use.
  • Effectively communicate with patients and other stakeholders about resources.
  • Operate an immunization service in compliance with legal and regulatory standards.

At the completion of the live seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe strategies for increasing immunization rates, including physician collaborations, community level activities, and immunization coalition activities.
  • Describe pharmacy operations and a process for administering vaccines in various pharmacy practice settings.
  • Evaluate patient histories and make patient-specific recommendations based on the appropriate immunization schedule.
  • Demonstrate effective strategies for communicating with patients who have concerns about vaccines.
  • Describe current evidence regarding vaccine safety.
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of adverse reactions that can occur after vaccination.
  • Describe procedures for management of patients with adverse reactions to vaccination that constitute an emergency.
  • List the steps for administering currently available intranasal and intradermal vaccines.
  • Demonstrate appropriate intramuscular and subcutaneous injection techniques for adult immunization.

Program Overview

Please view the APhA Pharmacy-Based Immunization Delivery webpage for home study module content.

Requirements for Successful Course Completion

In order to earn credit for this course, participants must complete the 12.0 hour home study material, attend a full 8-hour live seminar session, and complete the post-live activities (remote skills assessment, final assessment, instructor evaluation, and program evaluation). The final assessment must be passed with a 70% or higher. Two attempts to pass the final assessment will be provided. If the participant does not pass the final assessment on the second attempt, the participant must re-enroll in the course at full price. Upon successful completion of all coursework, participants will be awarded a certificate of completion to provide to the board of pharmacy.


Please contact the Continuing Pharmacy Education Team:

Phone: (352) 273-6275

Email: cesupport@ahc.ufl.edu

Website: https://cpe.pharmacy.ufl.edu/

APhA Contact Information

For assistance with credit reporting for this course and/or site help, please contact the APhA Team:

Phone: 1-800-237-APhA (2742) or (202) 628-4410

Email: education@aphanet.org

Website: https://aphanet.pharmacist.com/contact-us

Note: Module resets may be requested by emailing the UF Continuing Pharmacy Education Team at cesupport@ahc.ufl.edu.

Course Access

Note: This course is completed within the APhA LMS, not the Canvas LMS.

To access your course after enrollment, please click the learning plan link provided in your receipt. 

After activating your learning plan, you may access your course on the APhA website by entering your APhA credentials on the login page.

Live session information will be provided within the APhA LMS live session section. Additionally, this information may be sent to your registration e-mail.



The University of Florida College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.

Accrediting Associations

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
APhA Pharmacy-Based Immunization Delivery
Start Now, you have 365 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Course Fee(s)
APhA IMZ Reg. Fee non-credit $515.00
Additional Fee(s)
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes

Please note that this course is completed within the APhA LMS. After enrollment, please see your receipt of payment for the LMS access link. 

To earn a certificate of completion, learners must (1) complete the 12.0 hour home study material with a score of 70% or greater, (2) attend an 8.0 hour live session, and (3) complete the post-live activities (immunization skills assessment, final exam, course & instructor surveys) with a score of 70% or greater. Learners are encouraged to complete the 12.0 hour home study material prior to attending the live session. During the week of the live session, the Zoom link and live session materials will be provided within the APhA LMS and sent to the e-mail address entered upon registration.

Registration for this section will close at 4:00 p.m. Eastern the day prior to the live (via Zoom) event.

Accrediting Associations
Section Title
APhA Pharmacy-Based Immunization Delivery
Start Now, you have 365 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Course Fee(s)
APhA IMZ Reg. Fee non-credit $515.00
Additional Fee(s)
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes

Please note that this course is completed within the APhA LMS. After enrollment, please see your receipt of payment for the LMS access link. 

To earn a certificate of completion, learners must (1) complete the 12.0 hour home study material with a score of 70% or greater, (2) attend an 8.0 hour live session, and (3) complete the post-live activities (immunization skills assessment, final exam, course & instructor surveys) with a score of 70% or greater. Learners are encouraged to complete the 12.0 hour home study material prior to attending the live session. During the week of the live session, the Zoom link and live session materials will be provided within the APhA LMS and sent to the e-mail address entered upon registration.

Registration for this section will close at 4:00 p.m. Eastern two days prior to the live (via Zoom) event.

Accrediting Associations
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