
Course Description

  • TREEO FDEP OCP 04251049: CEUs: 0.75 WW DW DS
  • FBPR Construction Industry Licensing Board Provider #: 0000995
  • FBPR Construction Industry Licensing Board Course #: 0000708
  • FBPR Construction Industry Licensing Board Course Hours: 7.0 (Includes BSP)
  • Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Course coordinator: Marta Keilhauer mkeilhauer@treeo.ufl.edu
Phone: (352) 392-9570 or (352) 294-3878 

Introduction to Backflow provides the participant with a broad and basic understanding of various backflow devices. Time is spent discussing what is necessary for a functioning well maintained and managed backflow program.

This course is the first day of the Backflow Prevention Tester Training and Certification.

Topics include:

  • Basic backflow prevention terminology
  • Hydraulic conditions that cause backflow
  • State and federal backflow prevention regulations
  • And additional responsibilities and liabilities
  • Daily breaks are scheduled. You are on your own for lunch.

Learner Outcomes

Course Objective

Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

  • Explain the applicable regulations relative to backflow prevention and cross connection control
  • Describe responsibilities of water purveyors, plumbing inspectors, health officials, plumbing trades’ contractors and the water customer
  • Describe the hazards associated with cross connections
  • Define cross connection and list some common cross connections
  • Explain the basic hydraulics of a backflow condition and the differences between backflow due to backpressure and backsiphonage
  • Describe the different types of backflow prevention assemblies and what backflow conditions they protect against.

Please Note: You must be present for entire course to receive continuing education credit and a Certificate of Attendance.

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