
Course Description

5th Judicial Circuit of Florida Animal Cruelty Task Force

In April 2022, a group of attorneys, law enforcement, animal control personnel, and veterinarians working in the 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida met to discuss the formation of an Animal Cruelty Task Force. This task force would bring key partners and agencies together to collaborate on investigating and prosecuting crimes against animals in the 5th Judicial Circuit.

Through the efforts of this interjurisdictional unit of prosecutors, law enforcement professionals, animal services officers, veterinarians, and animal welfare organization stakeholders, we can ensure justice for animal victims and increase the quality of life for animals in our jurisdictions by:

1) becoming educated and educating our peers on the effective investigation and diligent prosecution of crimes against animals

2) providing community resources such as low-cost medical care to animals from indigent families, training for pet owners on responsible pet ownership, a safe venue for reporting animal abuse, safe drop locations for pet owners unable to care for their animals

3) advocating for legislative changes which would increase our ability to protect animals from abuse

This site will serve as the central hub for the dissemination of education material for investigators, attorneys, and veterinarians. Material relevant to each group can be found in the appropriate modules. As the task force grows, we will introduce new areas to this website.

Ultimately, we hope that we can provide members with new sources for education and continued collaboration that will improve our investigations related to abused and neglected animals.

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Section Title
Animal Cruelty Task Force
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Course Fee(s)
Animal Cruelty Task Force non-credit $0.00
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